The Magical boots is a short humorous fantasy story with an unorthodox plot of saving an imprisoned princess. The main charachter of the story is Eldone, a charismatic romance driven young man who dreams of nice things and a bright future. The humour of the story is unbeatable, a modern age Don Quijote, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra would be proud !

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Your ticket ? Imagination!!
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This site is dedicated to a wonderous tale, a fiction short story, The Magical boots.The Magical boots is indeed a tale, a fairytale that will tickle your imagination...Well hm, anyway... a wonderful fiction story... taking you into its world of fantasy filled with lore and adventure...

ah forget it... just enter and experience this magnificent work of fiction... You've come so far...

Fantasy is all what it takes? Some sense of humour is also welcome!
Do you have what it takes, please enter for The Magical Boots short fiction story

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